May 11th 2016.
Formats Metal York Boarding
Format Steel Buildings’ York Boarding is manufactured from pre-coated steel,coloured to match or to complement the remainder of your agricultural steel building, then pressed into a safe-edged profile to span at least 1.5 metres.
You can decide what air gap is needed or preferred for your farm buildings to ventilate stock sheds or to offer some prevailing wind/weather protection on agricultural buildings, sheds or shelters which may be used for feed or bedding storage.
Whilst primarily designed for use on steel framed buildings, with galvanized steel side rails, the product is also suitable for installation on farm buildings using timber rails.
Due to the product having a light grey finish on the reverse face, it will increase reflected light inside your farm building and is similar to full width profiled sheets in terms of light reflection.
If you are interested, pop in and have a look at our trial steel framed building showing how metal York Boarding is easily installed – you will be made most welcome.